Learn the IRS-approved strategies that will transform your business.
Join AICTP for our live 3-day tax planning training events in beautiful San Diego, CA! Five times a year we offer our Certified Tax Planning Academy with hands-on training, featuring real-life tax returns and plans, as well as the chance to personally network with a new elite group of peers! Academy students learn year-round tax planning proactive concepts and techniques and collaborate on real practice situations supported by the AICTP™ process. You’ll walk away with confidence, knowing that you have the expertise and skills to impress your clients and are ready to start charging premium fees.
“In one word, the entire event could be summed up as “classy”. In two words…’life changing.’ I can’t thank you enough!” –Sabrina Santos
“Mind blowing. It changed the way I was thinking about what clients are looking for from their tax professional.” -Jennifer Rosemberg

Day 1: Value Pricing and the Affluent Client –
Using Tax Planning to Get Paid for Your Expertise
Day 1 is focused on understanding the tax compliance rules, within a tax planning focus, to reduce your clients’ tax liability and prepare for future transactions. You will also learn the difference between a tax planning business model and traditional accounting services.
The AICTP™ code of ethics and standards for practice will also be explained.
Day 2: Advanced Tax Planning Strategies for Business Owners
Day 2 is focused on covering the most common tax planning strategies, combined with the AICTP™ patented process for analyzing prior year tax returns with specific emphasis on appraising inaccuracies to create proactive tax opportunities for clients.
An interactive case study will require students to identify tax planning strategies for real-world tax returns.
Day 3: Putting Everything into Practice
Day 3 is focused on techniques for supporting your clients by using the AICTP™ tax planning patented approach to implementing a combination of a tax plan and a tax maintenance program. You will also prepare for completing your own presentation Case Study to show your knowledge and satisfy the requirements for becoming a Certified Tax Coach.
Sales techniques for providing services and expertise to client will be covered as well.
An investment in
your career with the highest ROI.
After attending the Academy, you’ll have all the tools and tips you need to start making a dramatic difference in your clients’ bottom line right away. Creating a case study among your peers will give you hands-on experience. You’ll leave the Academy feeling empowered, valued, respected, and confident that you have the tools you need to build the practice of your dreams.

Come to Academy!
Ongoing Benefits
Membership includes monthly continuing education, tax planning resources, software, marketing, member support and much more.