Task Tracking

Any successful accounting firm is built on the effectiveness of its time and billing process. Tracking tasks is the most pertinent step in this process.
There are times when it’s difficult to see the importance of tracking everything that goes on in the office. Task tracking may even seem like micro-managing but there is a purpose to tracking what owners and staff spend their time on. We often marginalize what we spend our time on and tout, “I value bill everything, I only flat rate invoice!” Why would we want to include another process and use one more software application that will add to the many we must keep updated?
We operate in a workplace that demands the need to multitask. To survive and get ahead you must be able to accomplish multiple tasks at once. Thus making it harder and harder to track our time, resulting in huge discrepancies in our utilization reports, (if we can even get our hands on them), as well as not observing the staff members who are really affecting our business positively and even worse avoiding the task altogether. This should stimulate the idea: “How many billing opportunities have I missed?” Effective task tracking can save you the ambiguity. More importantly, a well designed system of task tracking can save you money.
Office Tools Professional’s Practice Management Software provides a time and billing solution that empowers you to capture billable opportunities to help your business grow. Within the customization features of Practice Management, we will determine the work codes we will use to track our billable and non-billable time. Our software has a standard billable rate per staff member as well work code, including three alternate tiers of billable rates. As we complete activities off of our work list whether it is a client telephone call, accounting, or bookkeeping we are prompted to track our time. When completing tasks throughout the day we capture more accurate records quickly resulting in a streamlined method that takes seconds to complete.
The bottom-line is so many firms are using sometimes up to five different software applications to complete the administration chore within their firm. This is frustrating, inaccurate and wasting up to one hour a day per staff member. You do not get paid for administration work but you must do it! Our Practice Management software cuts down how long you spend in administration work by managing the time, billing, paperless document storage, call tracking and CRM functions to name a few. Our system is completely integrated; by completing a call or assignment you automatically fill out a time card, which fill’s in the work in progress for the client and then that time can be invoiced…all in one step.
That is why we consider Office Tools Pro the accountants task tracking and workflow solution!
Want to learn more about task tracking and providing excellent service to your clients? Become a Certified Tax Coach.