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Tax Blogs Can Help Your Tax Business

The world has changed. There was a time when all a tax business really needed to do was place an ad in the Yellow Pages, get those first few clients, and just sit back and watch the business roll in. Today, consumers are much less likely to open the yellow pages than they are to turn to the Internet when they’re looking for a service like tax preparation.

That means your tax business needs to have a strong Internet presence. One of the best ways to boost that Internet presence, establish credibility, and reach out to new clients is with a blog. While tax blogs may not be the focal point of your Internet presence, it can be a tremendous boon.

Here are some ways that tax blogs can help your tax business:

  1. A tax related blog helps you relate directly to clients and potential clients. One of the benefits that a blog gives you is the opportunity to interact with clients and potential clients. Your business, to a large degree, depends on your personality. Being able to reach out to those people through a blog and let them see your personality will help to grow your business. Clients can also then share your blog with others, extending your circle of influence and growing your client base.
  2. A blog gives you opportunities for customer service. In some cases, a client might not be entirely happy with your services, but they might never say anything to you. However, they might decide to comment on a blog. If that happens, you have a wonderful opportunity to provide customer service. Not only will you hopefully save a client, you’ll also demonstrate your commitment to customer service to onlookers. A blog lets you have a conversation in public that shows how much you truly care about your customers.
  3. A blog will help to generate additional traffic to your main website. A blog can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. Google highly favors blogs today, especially those that provide useful information. When your blog links back to your website, it helps drive traffic organically to that website. Blogs and other social media are an integral part of any good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy today.
  4. A blog can help you communicate with clients. For clients who follow your blog, you can offer regular tips and advice. Not only will this help your clients to save money at tax time, it can help save you some time and headache by encouraging them to document their expenses properly. You can also use your blog to communicate various promotions, specials, or other information you need to get out that may help to grow your tax business.
  5. A blog helps establish your expertise. When you post a weekly or daily blog on some tax topic or another, the readers begin to see you as a trusted source of information about taxes. A blog demonstrates your depth of knowledge and experience to the reader. This, in turn, increases their confidence in your abilities. When someone reads your blog on a regular basis and they come across a tax situation they don’t know how to handle, they’ll automatically think of you.
  6. A blog lets you connect with other tax professionals. An important part of being a tax professional is continued education and development. Blogs let tax professionals connect with one another, exchange experiences, and share information. This kind of networking can also lead to partnership opportunities, as well as professional development.
  7. A blog is a platform where you can help others. People like to do business with companies that they believe are looking out for their best interests. By adding to the conversation via a blog, you’re providing value to their lives. Clients see this value, and it helps them to trust that working with you would be a mutually beneficial proposition.

Tax blogs can offer all of these benefits to your tax business, and more. Getting a tax blog started is simple. You can be up and running in a matter of minutes. Whether you create regular updates or hire a professional copywriter to provide content for your blog, you’ll be amazed to see just how much that blog helps your business grow.

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